Communication Builds Our Community

A "World Premiere" Screening of "Lake Wales Envisioned" Documentary Will Happen Thursday Night

Event at Woman's Club Will Introduce the Product of Eight-Month Process

Community civic leaders and interested citizens are expected to gather Thursday evening to view the premiere screening of what is expected to be an influential documentary film introducing the work product of the Lake Wales Envisioned process. The event will begin at 7:00 at the Lake Wales Woman's Club Auditorium.

The Envisioned planning effort grew from a desire by city leaders to better shape and guide the impact of dozens of development proposals that will include some 14,000 homes, with more concepts expected to arrive on city planner's desks.

The effort, based upon eight "aspirations" adopted by the city commission, has drawn attention from planners, developers, and advocacy groups statewide and beyond.

The Envisioned work includes elements of design such as calls for "complete streets" that include sidewalks, street trees, and bicycle tracks. Other suggestions included in the discussion were networks of green spaces and conservation lands, "traditional neighborhood design" [TND] standards that include walkable neighborhoods, rear garages, front porches, and mixtures of housing types and designs rather than "cookie-cutter" development, often described as suburban sprawl.

The plan may be applicable to the entire Lake Wales Utility Service Area which could eventually be brought to the city for annexation. Coordination with county planning efforts will be required to prevent premature development across that broad area.

The planning firm of Dover, Kohl & Partners has led the creative team that also includes Inspire Placemaking, who addressed land uses and parks, Exum Associates, an environmental planning firm, and Kittelson & Associates, transportation planners.

The planners attracted a representative group of citizens who brought their interests and concerns to a series of workshops, charrettes, webinars, and discussions, voting in polls and contributing their ideas.

The film screening is being hosted by Bok Tower Gardens President David Price and Lake Wales Heritage President Robert Connors. The Woman's Club Auditorium is located at 275 East Park Avenue, just south of the Lake Wales Public Library.

The work product will be formally presented to the city commission at a meeting on Tuesday, October 17, at which time citizens will also be offered a chance to express their thoughts on the proposals contained within.


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