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City Street Paving Project Begins, May Cause Delays

Seven Streets Affected by Resurfacing Schedule

The second phase of the city's annual street resurfacing project will begin in coming days as seven new streets are addressed by contractors. Portions of eleven streets are included in the overall resurfacing effort, which is being performed by Asphalt Paving Systems of Zephyrhills at a total cost of $593,144.32. Four streets were addressed earlier this fiscal year.

"Our multi-year pavement management program, created in 2019, is fully funded for the first time," said City Manager James Slaton.

The new effort will include more than 2,000 feet of Hesperides Road from the Polk Avenue railroad underpass to SR 60.

Other roadways in this second phase also includes Dr. J.A. Wiltshire Avenue, Bullard Avenue, Johnson Avenue, Tillman Avenue, Stuart Avenue, and 4th Street. Crews will begin resurfacing portions of the select roadways starting June 12.

The busy Hesperides/SR 60 access road is badly deteriorated, and will require an expensive "mill and overlay" process in which the entire surface is removed and repaved with fresh asphalt. Other streets in less-distressed condition may receive a less expensive process called "cape seal," which will extend the life of existing asphalt band and allow the budget to cover more streets, according to city officials. Each of the roadways will be treated and reshaped before the application of a new lift of asphalt.

The multi-year program "includes an inventory of roads and current condition ratings that help us prescribe pavement treatment methods," Slaton said. "Properly evaluating the roads permits us to cost-effectively improve more streets." The grouping of the work also helps reduce costs and simplifies work for the contractor.

The work is expected to cause minor delays. During work hours, limited access to the roadways will be maintained and coordinated by the workers onsite directing traffic. During non-working hours, motorists will have full access to the roadways.


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