Communication Builds Our Community

Charette Work in Progress Review Will be Presented Tonight

April 20 Report at Lake Wales Arts Center is a "So Far" Update

A special presentation of the draft work completed by a team of architects, ecologists, urban and traffic planners over the course of the charrette week will be shared with the public at a special gathering at the Lake Wales Arts Center Thursday evening. The event will begin at 6:00 pm at 1099 East SR 60 (Hesperides Road) in Lake Wales.

The planning effort is part of the city-funded Lake Wales Envisioned effort, designed to gather public input to determine the shape of "Olmsted's Garden City in 10, 25, and 50 Years," according to materials shared with the public.

An intense week of public "hands on" design workshops and studios have brought hundreds of citizens together to offer their input and suggestions and hear from experts, planners and developers ab out how other communities have been transformed through the adoption of specific development standards that limit "urban sprawl" and create attractive, walkable neighborhoods using "traditional neighborhood design," or TND.

The effort is based upon a set of eight "Initial Aspirations" approved by the city commission. They include:

• We will seek to assemble an enduring green network of open spaces and conservation lands.

• We will partner with landowners, investors, and the community to encourage input, collaboration, and respect property rights.

• We will make infill development and revitalization a priority.

• We will emphasize economic prosperity by increasing property values through quality development.

• We will facilitate employment opportunities by supporting a mix of land uses and industries.

• We will seek to make traditional neighborhoods with walkable, connected streets that create a high-quality public realm the norm.

• We will discourage conventional urban sprawl as defined in Florida Statutes Chapter 163.

• will grow a livable transportation network by implementing the Lake Wales Mobility Plan and including context-sensitive Complete Streets.

According to planning staff, "you will have the chance to see illustrations, maps, and recommendations in progress, and participate in live polling to let us know what you like and don't like. The goal of this event is to gather feedback and check if the planning team is on the right track."


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