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We are NOT in Control

As severe thunderstorms are rolling through Lake Wales this morning, I am reminded that we are truly at God's mercy, and He sustains us.

It can be frustrating to plan our day, our week, our job search, our special event, our retirement, our funerals, etc; only to have things like ailments, illnesses, flat tires, weather, power/wi-fi outages, other people, newly discovered home repair needs, company layoffs, or world-wide pandemics upset our plan.

Personally, I have attempted to establish some controlled routine for my day, given the new realities of balancing family and work responsibilities during a pandemic.

• Step 1: get outside immediately, early in the day, and exercise (weather permitting)

• Step 2: log in to my email and quickly catch up on my emails, being responsive to all the people who depend on me (power and wi-fi permitting).

• Step 3.... at this moment, I am very frustrated and can't recall what step 3 is in my plan.

Over the recent weeks, I have been reflecting much on James 4:13-16.

"Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit'-yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that." As it is, you boast in your arrogance.(ESV version)

So what should I do? How should I plan my future?

We are certainly not called to be lazy sluggards (see Proverbs 6:6, 19:15, 20:4, 21:25, and 22:13 for some references), and we are encouraged to plan, seek wise council, and pursue certain opportunities.

All of Matthew 6 is such a blessing, and Matthew 6:25-27, 33-34 is especially relevant here. God loves me. God grants me the family, friends, time, resources, abilities, health, roof over my head, and a hope and future that He does. He wants the best for me today, this actual day, and in preparation for whatever will come tomorrow. Thy will be done on earth (not mine). Lord, thank you that I am not in control. Thank you that You are in control.

Today, may we remember to pray that we (and the people for whom God has appointed to positions of authority at every level of our lives) receive and obey God's wisdom on how we should plan this day, and the future.

Proverbs 27:1 – Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know wat a day may bring.

Psalm 118:24 – Today is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in today.

Our contributing writer, who uses the pen name Christian Ponder, has since 2001 been a resident of Lake Wales, where he enjoys living with his wife and two children.


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