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"A Complete Unknown" reveals many details of the early life and inspirations of Bob Dylan, one of America's most iconic musicians of the 20th century. Directed by James Mangold and starring Timothée Chalamet, Elle Fanning, and Ed Norton, explores the early years of Bob Dylan's rise to fame. Mangold, known for Walk the Line, which chronicled the life of Johnny Cash, brings a similar approach to Dylan's story. When I first saw the trailers, it took me a few viewings to realize...
The Fire Inside is an inspiring Olympics boxing movie that captures the grit, determination, and challenges faced by athletes on their path to greatness. I very much enjoy the Olympics and I watch them every time they come around. I probably watched this boxer but I have no personal memory of it. Directed by Rachel Morrison and starring Ryan Destiny and Brian Tyree Henry, the film tells the story of Claressa "T-Rex" Shields, a young woman from Flint, Michigan, with a...
"Baby Girl" is a captivating and somewhat erotic thriller which offered an interesting Christmas Day entertainment. Written and directed by Halina Reijn, stars Nicole Kidman and features Harris Dickinson and Antonio Banderas. Romy, a high-powered CEO played by Nicole Kidman, is seemingly happily married with two children, yet she finds herself unsatisfied with her relationship with her husband, Jacob (Antonio Banderas). This is a bit hard to believe. Romy embarks on an affair...
This is a crime world movie but also a song and dance movie, a really weird combination now showing on Netflix.. This French film is directed by Jacques Audiard and stars Zoe Saldana and Karla Sofia Gascon and takes place mostly in Mexico. Rita is a prosecutor in Mexico and is frustrated with the legal system because all the criminals seem to get away with it. She is offered an opportunity to help a crime boss fake his death and transition as a woman so she can live her authen...
As someone unfamiliar with the Wicked Broadway show or its source material, I approached this film with a fresh perspective. While many viewers were drawn to the familiar characters and iconic songs, I watched this not knowing anything. Based on Gregory Maguire's 1995 novel, Wicked offers a prequel to L. Frank Baum's classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Directed by Jon M. Chu, the film stars Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba, the misunderstood "Wicked Witch of the West," and Ariana...
Before watching the sequel, I revisited the 2000 classic, Gladiator. It's a timeless masterpiece that catapulted Russell Crowe to stardom. The film's epic scale, powerful performances, and gripping story remain unforgettable. Gladiator 2 is a legacy sequel, set and filmed many years after the original. Directed once again by Ridley Scott, the film stars Paul Mescal, Denzel Washington, and Pedro Pascal. Connie Nielsen reprises her role as Lucilla. The sequel introduces Lucius,...
Here is a technological marvel, a testament to the innovative spirit of filmmaker Robert Zemeckis. The same team behind the Academy Award winning Forrest Gump returns with a film that explores the enduring power of place. Set in a single location, the narrative traverses centuries, following the lives of various families who have called this spot home. While the specific location remains somewhat uncertain, certain clues make it seem to be in Pennsylvania. However, the true ma...
While Venom: The Last Dance doesn't quite reach the heights of its predecessor, it still delivers a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. Directed by Kelly Marcel and starring the ever-charismatic Tom Hardy, this film continues the entertaining dynamic between Eddie Brock and his symbiote alter ego. The screenplay was co-written by Marcel and Hardy. The heart of the movie remains the comedic and often heartwarming interplay between Eddie and Venom. Like the other movies this...
Even though I don't have kids, I still enjoy a good children's movie-especially as I feel I'm still a kid at heart in many ways. Recently, I watched the animated film The Wild Robot and found myself completely drawn into its heartfelt story. Directed by Chris Sanders, this film features the voices of Lupita Nyong'o, Pedro Pascal, and Kit Connor, with special appearances by Bill Nighy and Mark Hamill. The movie is based on Peter Brown's 2016 book and follows the journey of a...
Your Monster, written and directed by Caroline Lindy, is a quirky blend of horror, comedy, and drama. Starring Melissa Barrera, Meghan Fahy, and Tommy Dewey, the film delves into the tumultuous aftermath of a painful breakup. Inspired by Lindy's personal experiences, the film follows Laura, a woman recently diagnosed with cancer who is abandoned by her boyfriend, Jacob. Jacob is a musical theater director who has a show going on that he wrote with Laura's help. Seeking solace...
I recently watched Saturday Night, which focuses on the first taping of Saturday Night Live (SNL) back in 1975. Directed by Jason Reitman, it stars Gabriel LaBelle, Rachel Sennott, and Corey Michael Smith. I've never really watched SNL. I've seen clips here and there but never followed it regularly. However, I recognize its cultural significance as a groundbreaking show that helped launch the careers of numerous iconic comedians. Watching this film felt a bit like tuning into...
When Joker first hit theaters, it was a cultural phenomenon. Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Arthur Fleck, a troubled man teetering on the edge of madness, captivated audiences and sparked conversations about mental health and societal neglect. Directed by Todd Phillips, it masterfully depicted how a person struggling at the fringes of society could spiral into chaos, a tragedy that felt both deeply personal and disturbingly reflective of the world around us. Phoenix's...
White Bird is a World War II/Holocaust film set in Nazi-occupied France, centered around the experiences of children trying to survive under harrowing conditions. Directed by Marc Forster, the film stars Helen Mirren, Gillian Anderson, and Ariella Glasser. At the heart of the story, a grandmother recounts her childhood to her grandson, aiming to teach him about the importance of courage and finding one's voice in the face of injustice. Through her memories, we see her young...
Dennis Quaid delivers a compelling performance as Ronald Reagan in the biopic Reagan. The film, directed by Sean McNamara and based on Paul Kengor's 2006 book The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism presents a celebratory portrait of the former president. Quaid captures Reagan's folksy charm and charisma, while Penelope Ann Miller provides a nuanced portrayal of Nancy Reagan. The film's production values are impressive, with convincing makeup and sets that...
The new movie Twisters is what is being called a legacy sequel of the movie Twister from 1996. Twisters is directed by Lee Isaac Chung and stars Daisy Edgar-Jones and Glen Powell. I recently watched the original Twister movie from 1996 starring Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton to prepare to watch this movie. Twister really set the stage for disaster movies. The plots for the two movies are pretty much identical. The only connective tissue between the two movies is the fact that the...
As a long-time Marvel fan, I was eagerly anticipating Deadpool and Wolverine. With the deluge of Marvel movies over the past few years, it's refreshing to have a single, standout entry this year. Surprisingly, I've missed the cinematic Marvel Universe, and this film felt like a much-needed reunion. The marketing leaned heavily into the joke that Deadpool is "Marvel Jesus," here to save the franchise, a reference many have seen in the trailers. This isn't just a clever...
Watching part one of Kevin Costner's 3-hour Western epic, "Horizon: An American Saga," is quickly realized that this is a movie that would have been better suited as a mini-series on a streaming service. There's simply too much going on. The film juggles three or four different plot threads, each with their own side plots, making it a bit difficult to keep track of everything. This project is very much Kevin Costner's brainchild. He financed the movie, wrote part of the...
"Inside Out 2" is a delightful return to "the interior of Riley's mind," this time navigating the turbulent waters of adolescence. This movie is certainly not as good as the original, but still I enjoyed it very much. In this new chapter we see the lead character Riley turn 13 and transition out of middle school. She starts to enter puberty as she goes off to hockey camp. Inside her brain we have the same characters from the last movie, although some have different voices,...
I recently saw this movie as part of Regal Cinema's movie mystery night. This movie is directed by Jeff Nichols and stars Austin Butler, aka Elvis, Jodie Comer, Michael Shannon and Tom Hardy. Everybody delivers strong performances in this movie. This is a fictionalized story of real events about an author who wrote a book about a very real motorcycle gang. The lead character, Kathy, is based on that author. This plot revolves around the 1960s subculture of bike riders, and a...
Am I Ok?" is a charming new dramedy from directors Tig Notaro and Stephanie Allynne, starring Dakota Johnson. It recently landed on Max after premiering at the Sundance Film Festival and other film festivals in 2022. I watched this because I love the director and guest star of the movie Tig Notaro. Notaro is a chief engineer on Star Trek Discovery. She is very funny in that part. This film is a bit more heartfelt. This story centers on Lucy (Johnson) and Jane, best friends...
Luca Guadagnino's "Challengers" isn't your standard tennis flick. It's a deft volley between ambition, love, and betrayal, played out against the backdrop of the glamorous, cutthroat world of professional tennis. This movie is about tennis, friendship and sex and not always in that order. Zendaya reigns supreme. Her portrayal of Tashi, a tennis prodigy turned coach, is captivating. This is very much Zendaya's movie as she is the lead actor and a producer. The movie also stars...
A frightening imagining of a Civil War among the states that could happen in the very near future, this movie stars Kirsten Dunst and is written and directed by Alex Garland. Garland cleverly sidesteps real-world political labels, focusing instead on the human cost of ideological division. The film paints a chilling picture of a future where regional alliances shift and violence becomes commonplace. Dunst is joined by a stellar cast, including Wagner Moura and Stephen...
"One Love" chronicles the rise of reggae legend Bob Marley (Kingsley Ben-Adir). Even with limited prior knowledge of Marley, this biographical drama offers a captivating glimpse into his journey to superstardom, his family life, and of course, the irresistible music. The film, directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green, serves as a delightful entry point for casual fans like myself. I was surprised how many reggae classics I recognized, from "Three Little Birds" to hidden gems I...
While not breaking new ground, "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire" delivers a fun and engaging experience for fans of the franchise. Set in New York City, the film seamlessly blends the "next generation" team with the original Ghostbusters, giving the returning cast something to do. A highlight is Annie Potts finally suiting up as a Ghostbuster! The movie is packed with Easter eggs and throwbacks to the original films and the beloved cartoon series. Bill Murray gets some funny...
This movie, Wicked Little Letters, starring Olivia Coleman and Jesse Buckley, is absolutely hilarious. The film is a 2023 British black comedy/mystery, directed by Thea Sharrock and written by Jonny Sweet, set in 1920s small town England. When a conservative spinster named Edith, played by Olivia Coleman, starts getting these really offensive letters, her brash, vulgar next door neighbor from Ireland, Rose played by Jessie Buckley, is accused. All of the performances are...