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Lovers of laughs and comedy, be it stand-up or SNL varieties, will enjoy a fun outing to Lake Wales Little Theatre to see "Just Another High School Play," which is anything but that. Performed by an ensemble cast of 26 talented young actors, the play is based upon the premise that their opening night has found them without a director and unprepared to perform. A box full of old un-matching scripts gives each actor an excuse for the often-hysterical chaos that follows. In what...
Area residents with special talents will have another opportunity to showcase their skills as the Lake Wales Public Library hosts their annual summer talent show, this year with the assistance of the GFWC Lake Wales Junior Woman's Club. The show is scheduled for Saturday, July 27, but auditions will be held on Saturday, June 22 at the Lake Wales Recreation Center. If you can sing, dance, juggle, or have any other special talent, the stage is waiting! This is your chance to...
The local favorite Orange Blossom Revue is poised to celebrate its 10th anniversary with a jam-packed musical lineup of bands featuring JJ Grey & Mofro, The War and Treaty, Robert Earl Keen, Steep Canyon Rangers and more December 6-7, 2024 in Lake Wales, FL. Held annually amidst the bounty of Spanish moss, palmetto trees, and citrus groves that define the central Florida landscape, the boutique music and arts festival has steadily become a cultural cornerstone that reflects th...
Giving young kids safe and fun outlets to help them burn off all that extra energy is a challenge that may have a solution. Parents may rejoice thanks to a new summer program offered by staff the City of Lake Wales' Family Recreation Center. Kids entering kindergarten through 5th grade are eligible to attend Camp Squeeze. Camp Squeeze will offer campers an array of themed science, art, and sporting activities. They'll learn how to make their own Mars rovers during Space Week,...
A free patriotic concert on Memorial Day weekend will be offered to the public to mark the Memorial Day weekend. The Ridge Brass will offer "many familiar standbys of American music that will stir hearts to renewed love of our great country," said Arts Council spokesperson Carrie Ingley. The Ridge Brass was formerly known as the Lake Wales Brass Ensemble, and is familiar to many music-lovers in the area, having accompanied the Lake Wales Chorale at many past performances. Spon...
Area residents with a desire to unleash their creative side are invited to participate in a summer program at the Lake Wales Arts Center. Whether you're an experienced artist or just starting your creative journey, the Summer Studio Pass offers "a supportive environment where you can explore different art media, collaborate with fellow makers, and grow as an artist," according to Arts Council Executive Director Tommy Frank. You are invited to immerse yourself in the world of...
A frightening imagining of a Civil War among the states that could happen in the very near future, this movie stars Kirsten Dunst and is written and directed by Alex Garland. Garland cleverly sidesteps real-world political labels, focusing instead on the human cost of ideological division. The film paints a chilling picture of a future where regional alliances shift and violence becomes commonplace. Dunst is joined by a stellar cast, including Wagner Moura and Stephen...
Music lovers of all ages are invited to enjoy not one, but two concerts this Saturday, May 11 at the Lake Wales Arts Center as Classern Quartet, a distinguished ensemble from Orlando, presents two completely different musical programs at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Arts Council staff invites you to "indulge in an afternoon of refined elegance and musical brilliance for a captivating concert that celebrates the timeless allure of classical strings." The first event will feature the harmo...
"One Love" chronicles the rise of reggae legend Bob Marley (Kingsley Ben-Adir). Even with limited prior knowledge of Marley, this biographical drama offers a captivating glimpse into his journey to superstardom, his family life, and of course, the irresistible music. The film, directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green, serves as a delightful entry point for casual fans like myself. I was surprised how many reggae classics I recognized, from "Three Little Birds" to hidden gems I...
An afternoon or evening of entertainment with a couple of surprise twists is in store for theatre fans in "Every Little Crook and Nanny," opening today, April 12, at Lake Wales Little Theatre. A talented cast and the directorial expertise of Larry Helms combine to create a fun performance of a comedy that manages to wrap itself around a bit of a "who-done-it" mystery. The ensemble cast features its own array of surprises, with strong performances all around, showcasing the...
While not breaking new ground, "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire" delivers a fun and engaging experience for fans of the franchise. Set in New York City, the film seamlessly blends the "next generation" team with the original Ghostbusters, giving the returning cast something to do. A highlight is Annie Potts finally suiting up as a Ghostbuster! The movie is packed with Easter eggs and throwbacks to the original films and the beloved cartoon series. Bill Murray gets some funny...
"Maestro," Bradley Cooper's sophomore directorial effort available on Netflix, dives into the life of Leonard Bernstein, the iconic American composer and conductor. The film serves as a good introduction to Bernstein for newcomers like me, as, I didn't know anything about Leonard Bernstein. However the movie doesn't delve as deeply as it could have. Cooper both directs and plays the title role in the film. His performance is undeniably strong, capturing Bernstein's flamboyant...
A darkly comedic gem, "Poor Things" shines with audacious storytelling and a captivating performance by Emma Stone. Fueled by an Oscar win for Stone, this film by acclaimed director Yorgos Lanthimos ("The Lobster," "The Favourite") is a genre-bending blend of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and dark comedy. This is right up my alley! Reminiscent of Frankenstein, it tells the bizarre tale of Bella (Stone), a woman brought back to life with the brain of a baby. Raised by her e...
This movie, Wicked Little Letters, starring Olivia Coleman and Jesse Buckley, is absolutely hilarious. The film is a 2023 British black comedy/mystery, directed by Thea Sharrock and written by Jonny Sweet, set in 1920s small town England. When a conservative spinster named Edith, played by Olivia Coleman, starts getting these really offensive letters, her brash, vulgar next door neighbor from Ireland, Rose played by Jessie Buckley, is accused. All of the performances are...
I was glad to finally see Dune part 2 after it was delayed several months due to the writers and actors strikes. Denis Villeneuve's triumphant return to Arrakis in Dune: Part Two is a feast for the senses. The visuals are phenomenal. Stunning cinematography, dazzling special effects, and Hans Zimmer's ever-present, pulse-pounding score coalesce to create a truly immersive experience. We are transported back to the harsh beauty of the desert planet Arrakus, feeling the heat of...
A day of free fun for the entire family is offered in Lake Wailes Park on Saturday, March 23 as the annual Olmsted Day event takes place. The event is the Lake Wales observance of Arbor Day and takes place in the shade of the historic Olmsted Oaks in the park. Entertainment, exhibits, games, musical performances, and food trucks form part of the attraction, along with vendors offering live plants and trees and a wide range of other products. Special exhibits will be offered...
Downtown Lake Wales was a "happening scene" Friday as the sounds of the south Florida-based "The JamBand" filled the air as they performed from a special stage in Linear Park. The event drew a large crowd on a beautiful spring evening who danced, clapped along, and sometimes sang with the band. Numerous vendors and a food truck catered to the crowd. The free performance was another installation of "Lake Wales Live," a six-performance series intended to help bring more...
"Argylle" is a spy thriller that boasts a star-studded cast, including Henry Cavill, Bryce Dallas Howard, Sam Rockwell, and Dua Lipa. Despite its impressive cast, the film falls short in various aspects. This movie, directed by Matthew Vaughn, is based on a book series by author Elly Conway. However, the film is actually an adaptation of the fourth book in the series, which is not yet published. The first book in the series was published before the movie was released. This is...
"American Fiction" offers us some great satire performed by a stellar cast. Directed and written by the talented Cord Jefferson and starring Jeffrey Wright, this film is a masterpiece in both storytelling and social commentary. This movie is about an African American writer whose books are not accepted by publishers because they don't fit certain specific expected African American themes. This is based on a book written 20 years ago but the issues are still true today. As an...
A truly unique performance is coming to Frostproof's historic Ramon Theatre in March as the famed musical impersonators Anthony and Eddie Edwards perform their live musical repertoire. Described as "Las Vegas' number one impersonators of all time," the show will be reminiscent of the Variety shows from the 70's & 80's, featuring a rapid-fire series of performances. The Edwards Twins have been recognized by NBC Today, The Boston Globe and USA Today, among others, for their...
An annual event that draws thousands of art lovers from Lake Wales and around the state, the 53rd Annual Lake Wales Arts Festival ill be happening Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 24 and 25 at Lake Wailes Park, preceded by a special event for artists and patrons on Friday evening. Hosted by the Lake Wales Arts Council, this year's festival will be enhanced as 70 artists have been accepted into the juried show to display their creative works. The show attracts submissions from...
I recently had the opportunity to watch Dan Levy's directorial debut, Good Grief, on Netflix. Dan Levy is best known for his comedy Schitt's Creek. I love that show, it's hilarious. When he entered into a deal to create content with Netflix I was and still am looking forward to anything he does. "Good Grief," is a heartfelt exploration of grief, friendship, and self-discovery. While it may not land every comedic or dramatic beat perfectly, it offers a tender, character-driven...
This is a dark comedy starring Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore and Charles Melton in a story loosely based on Mary Kay Letourneau and her affair with one of her young students. It is directed by Todd Haynes. In this film, Natalie Portman plays Elizabeth, an actress who is going to play a part in a movie based on the relationship between Gracie and Joe, played respectfully by Julianne Moore and Charles Melton. The movie takes place in Savannah Georgia, a beautiful historic...
The beloved story of Celie Johnson is returned to the big screen, and this time, it's singing its heart out. "The Color Purple" (2023) is a triumphant musical adaptation of Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, and it's a testament to the enduring power of this timeless tale. The film is actually based upon the Broadway musical more than the book, even though it's basically the same story. I had seen the original movie and I did read the book once upon a time. I had...
I was a bit delayed watching Aquaman 2 as I was gone over the holidays. I finally got to see it recently. I went into Aquaman 2 expecting a shipwreck, weighed down by the negativity swirling around it. But surprisingly, I found myself bobbing to the surface, entertained and enjoying it. Don't get me wrong, it's not a cinematic masterpiece, but it delivered a fun, albeit uneven, underwater adventure. So this is the last Snyder verse movie. Everybody knew going into this movie...